秋风送爽,气候宜人,正是一个外出游玩的好时节!11月14日,馨乐园幼儿园全体幼儿在老师的带领下,组织了一次园博苑秋游活动,让孩子们走进大自然,亲近大自然,充分感受秋天的多彩景色!On 14th November,children from Kinderland Preschool (Xiamen)went to Xiamen Yuan Bo Yuan for autumn excursion. This was an opportunity forchildren to get closer to nature and enjoy the beauty of autumn.
清晨,小朋友们兴高采烈的来到幼儿园,带上老师们准备的丰盛的便当和牛奶,满怀激动之情,开始了我们的秋游之旅。Children came toschool excited in the morning and brought along their bento as they set off
到达目的地——园博苑,老师跟小朋友讲解外出的注意事项和安全。Wehave reached Yuan Bo Yuan. The teachers told children about safety in the park.
园博苑之旅正式开始啦,小朋友在各个景点参观,一起拍照合影,记录这段美好的回忆。中途小朋友们也都找到了休息的场所,一起享用幼儿园提供的美味餐点和牛奶,有的小朋友还分享了自己带来的小零食,大家有说有笑,其乐融融。We are going tostart our adventure! The children took photos at the various sight-seeingspots. The children rested halfway and ate their sumptous lunch. The childrenalso shared their snacks with their friends.
园博苑之旅——托班 Pre-Nursery Class
准备回园了,小朋友们有秩序的跟着老师一起跟园博苑说再见。It'stime to go home! The children lined up orderly and bid farewell to Yuan BoYuan.
组织小朋友亲近大自然秋游活动,丰富了小朋友的在园生活,开阔了视野,增长了见识,锻炼了意志,也增进了孩子们之间的友情!通过亲身体验,小朋友的能力得到了健康发展,对大自然的亲近和喜爱也更进一步了。 The children gainedexposure to a new environment and saw many interesting things. This excursionhelps them to expand their knowledge and improve on their skills anddevelopment.