为了让家长更好地了解小朋友在幼儿园的学习生活情况,促进家庭教育与幼儿园教育的交流,5月16日-18日馨乐园开展了各个段的家长开放日活动。家长们在参与幼儿集体活动与游戏的过程中,增加了对幼儿园工作的认识,增添了对幼儿园的一份关注。同时,也让孩子们在家园互动的氛围中体验到了无尽的欢乐,加深了亲子间的情感。On 16th-18thMay, Kinderland welcomed the parents of K2 K1 N PN level. Through this event,parents will have a better understanding of their children's daily activitiesin school. It also promotes better communication between parents and teachers.Through parents' involvement, they gained awareness and knowledge about theschool and how their children progress in school. The children had a good timethrough this interaction, increases the parent-child bonding.
有趣的早操活动Let’s begin our morning exercise !
Look, how serious we are in doing theexercise in such a good weather
亲子游戏时间Parent-Child Game
Mommy and daddy, we enjoyed having fun withyou in school !
Mommy and daddy, we enjoyed having fun withyou in school !