

In view of theupcomingFather’s Day, Kinderland Preschool speciallydesigned activities as a specialgift for all fathers.
Fathersplay an importantrole in a child’s life. In presentdays, fathers are often viewed as the busyor stern parents and have littleinteraction with their children. KinderlandPreschool organized some activitiesto increase the bond between father andchild.
  此次中班段邀请爸爸们来到了厦门市泰谷酒店进行自助餐活动,由小朋友扮演小小服务员,亲自为爸爸们献上美味的食物,并且为爸爸们献唱了动听的歌曲----《爸爸去哪儿》;同时还表演了精彩的手语节目《感恩的心》。 节目过后孩子们和父亲们心里洋溢着浓浓的亲情,脸上浮现着激动、满足的笑容。让我们一起来看看小朋友们能干的表现吧!

TheK1 classes had an “I’m aLittleWaiter/Waitress” activity. Fathers were invited toTaigu Hotel forbuffet and the children acted as waiters/waitresses. Thechildren made food andpresented two special performances. All the fathers weretouched by theperformances. Let’s see how the childrenperformed!

TheK2, N and PN childrenhad a kite-flyingactivity. The children presented song items and a gift for their fathers. Thechildren then drew pictures and wrote their well-wishes for their fathers onkites and went to fly the kite at the beach with their fathers. They also hadsand play activity and had lots of fun with their fathers.


We would like tothank all fathers for setting aside time despite your busy schedules to attendour activity and allow your child to show their appreciation.we would like towith allfathers good health and a Happy Father’s Day!