

2015年9月1日,馨乐园幼儿园2015-2016第一学期正式开始了,馨乐园的小朋友们今天回到了幼儿园这个温馨的大家庭里,在校园门口老师们精心准备了欢迎的Kinderland气球,大班的小朋友们也早早的到园换上了迷彩服欢迎小朋友们的回园。你知道为什么小朋友要穿上迷彩服吗?因为此次我们结合了抗日战争胜利70周年的主题进行我们 的开学典礼。
        On 1stSeptember 2015, Kinderland Preschool officially begins the first semester ofthe academic year for 2015-2016. The teachers welcomed the children withballoons at the entrance. A small group of K2 children came early to dress upas armies to welcome the younger children back to Kinderland too! Do you knowwhy they are wearing the uniform? It is because we are celebrating the 70thyear of Victory Day in conjunction with our opening ceremony.

1晨检 Morning healthcheck
Upon arrival, the children were happy to have thehealthcheck by doctor. After a long summer holiday, the teachers felt that thechildren have grown so much taller!

2.升旗仪式Flag-raising Ceremony
The long-awaited opening ceremony finally began by havinglittle drummers and a drum major from K2 classes marched in. The performancewas great!

3.馨乐园张园长致辞Speech by the Principal of Kinderland
在开学典礼中,张园长和小朋友们分享了2件事情,一是热烈欢迎新的小朋友们加入我们馨乐园这个温馨的大家庭中,二是祝贺全体小朋友们升班了。最后,张园长祝愿全体馨乐园小朋友们在新的学期健康成长,天天开心,快乐。Inthe opening ceremony, Principal Cathy gave a warm welcome to the newcomes forjoining us in Kinderland and congratulated other children for their leveladvancement. She wished all the children in Kinderland with good health in thisnew semester and be happy all the time. 

4何厝边防派出所警官Police Officers from He Cuo Unit
今天馨乐园特邀了何厝边防派出所的警官到园向小朋友们展示军人的行进步姿,当警官敬礼的时候,小朋友们都非常激动的为他们鼓掌,这是小朋友们发自内心的尊敬。Weinvited the police officers from He Cuo Unit to demonstrate the course ofmarching. When the officers saluted, the children were excited and applauded.

5抗日英雄——郑爷爷Mighty warrior -Uncle Zheng
馨乐园还邀请了80多岁的抗日英雄——郑爷爷到园和小朋友们分享他参加过的抗美援朝和抗日战争的许多故事,展示了他这一生荣获的许多勋章。当郑爷爷用“GoodMorning”“How are you?”等英文跟小朋友们打招呼的时候,小朋友们都觉得郑爷爷非常的可爱,并且感觉到非常的亲切。
Today we invited an octogenarian Uncle Zheng who is awarrior from the Japanese-Chinese War to share his story about the war. Hegreeted the children "Good Morning" and "How are you?" .The little ones felt the closeness from Uncle Zheng.